Datum – Dátum
Čas – Időpont
23. 09. 2015
18:00 - 20:00
Lokacija prireditve – Helyszín
Hotel Elizabeta
Organizator – Szervező
Kontakt – Elérhetőség
Filip Pongrac
E: integrated.vision@outlook.com |
T: +386 (0)40 422 022
Imaš poslovno idejo in ne veš kje začeti?
Si želiš izvedeti več o Entrepreneurship-u in start up-ih?
Želiš začeti svoj posel?
Iščeš motivacijo?
Integrirana Vizija ob podpori U.S. Embassy Ljubljana te vabi, da stopiš na Poti do uspeha, dve brezplačni delavnici dveh zelo znanih strokovnjakov na področju podjetništva.
Kdo? Kdaj? Kje?
-Jose Morales, 23. septembra od 18.00 do 20.00, Hotel Elizabeta, Lendava.
-Sonja Šmuc, 8. oktobra, od 10.00 do 12.00, Hotel Elizabeta, Lendava.
Pohitite in se pišite na naslov: integrated.vision@outlook.com in poslali ti bomo prijavnico.
Število mest je omejeno!
Delavnici sta del projekta 1,2,3 Gremo!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/Integrated-Vision-979943538699071/timeline/
You have a business idea and don’t know where to start?
Do you want to know more about Entrepreneurship and start ups?
Are you interested in starting your own business?
Are you looking for motivation?
Integrated Vision with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana is inviting you to hit the Roads to Success, 2 free workshops by well known experts in the field of business and Entrepreneurship
Who? When? where?
-Jose Morales, 23 September from 18.00 to 20.00, Hotel Elizabeta, Lendava
-Sonja Šmuc, 8 October from 10.00 to 12.00,Hotel Elizabeta,Lendava.
Hurry and sign up, send us an email to : integrated.vision@outlook.com to get the application form
Limited Places!
These workshops are part of the project 1,2,3 Gremo!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/Integrated-Vision-979943538699071/timeline/